Arthritis is Older than Humans Themselves

Two knees with one affected with arthritis.Arthritis is older than humans themselves, even dinosaurs were known to have had arthritis. It is an age associated disease and comes in many forms. The most common form of arthritis is Osteoarthritis or sometimes known as OA. Mostly everything that has lived and breathed on this earth has had to deal with arthritis, so if you are developing it, don’t panic. There are ways and means of handling it. Feline Kondula Butcher has helped many individuals deal with arthritis.

Osteoarthritis does not cause inflammation like its cousin Rheumatoid arthritis does. However, don’t be alarm, since you can still move forward with Rheumatoid arthritis.Rheumatoid arthritis can start up unexpectedly, whereas Osteoarthritis starts to occur in a person’s middle ages or after trauma to a joint. Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease which slowly crumbles the bone tissue in the joints and there is loss of cartilage over a period of time. The primary symptom of OA is pain, that contributes to the stiffness of joints. This particularly happens in the mornings along with the sufferer’s reduced ability and working performance in the affected joint or joints. The inflammation in the joints is caused by the fluid and swelling that collects. Hard bony nodes start to develop around the joints which limit movement and are sometimes painful.More details on arthritis can be read on Wiki.

Most practitioners’ common use of treatment of arthritis is painkillers such as Acetaminophen. If the arthritis is very serious, than NSAIDS is administrated. The two medications can cause serious side effects, which include bleeding in the digestive tract and liver failure. Another issue with these forms of treatment is that they do not solve the disease, they merely mask the symptoms. Covering the pain is bad, since your body is not communicating its agony. This is similar to an emergency occurring with no warning signals, alarms or bells going off. That isn’t good news if you want to keep on living.

At Nutrikon they can help you find natural and effective supplements that can treat Osteoarthritis with their professional nutritionist Feline Butcher. Feline Kondula Butcher can determine which supplements work best for you, along with the quantities that are most appropriate. Osteoarthritis can be conquered without the use of risky medications and surgeries.

The information in this article is for educational purposes only and is not intended to be used to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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