Eating Right When You are Expecting

A pregnant woman's stomach.You are what you eat and if you’re pregnant, so is your baby. Therefore eating right when you are expecting is vital for a healthy baby. Pregnancy also means that you will start to gain pounds. An excuse for some is to eat everything in sight, because you know, “You’re eating for two” and who can take food away from a woman having a baby? But hold on a sec, before you head off to the all you can eat buffet at your local diner you must make yourself aware of pregnancy weight gain.

Pregnancy weight must be gained gradually, since that is best for your body and your baby.  A woman with a normal body mass index should gain between 15 to 25 pounds during the entire pregnancy, whereas if you are obese, you should seek advice on how much weight you can put on and women who have a low body mass index should gain up to 35 pounds. Putting on too much weight during your pregnancy increases your chances of gestational diabetes, hypertension, labor and delivery problems. Don’t forget having to lose all the weight once the baby is born is not a fun task for anyone. Details on pregnancy and prenatal development can be studied on Wiki.

Besides how much we eat, it is important to consider what we eat. There are many environmental factors to look out for, such as smoking and drinking. However, some of the toxins that we are absorbing into our bodies could be in the foods or household items that we think are doing good rather than harm. If not organic, fruits and vegetables have large amounts of pesticides. Household items such as soaps, electronics, plastics, cosmetics and hair care products contain toxins.

At the Nutrikon Wellness Centre lead by experienced nutritionist Feline Kondula Butcher they can help you get all the right nutrients for your baby to grow with healthy fetal brain development and immune system function. Feline Butcher can also show you how to reduce the damage when exposed to environmental toxicities. Natural substances are only used and an effective diet is made to adjust to your prenatal requirements.

The information in this article is for educational purposes only and is not intended to be used to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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