Immobility Caused From Huntington’s Disease

A brain scan of a huntington's disease patient.Huntington’s is a neuro-degenerative disease that forces the sufferer to slowly lose motor function and cognitive abilities. It is a disorder that is inherited, so parents who have the disease have a 50/50 chance of passing it on to their own children. Once diagnosis, sufferers need full time care within a 10 year period, because of the immobility caused from Huntington’s disease.

Huntington’s disease causes the brain cells to deteriorate, which affects the brain as well as the body.Eventually as the deterioration continues the brain cells die. The symptoms can begin in childhood, however the symptoms usually become visible in a person’s 30s. The symptoms are usually sporadic involuntary jerks or spasms, decreased coordination and impaired cognitive function are the usual characteristics. Ultimately, the victim cannot walk, talk or think acutely. A more in depth look into Huntington’s disease can be found on NINDS.

Being aware that also the sufferer’s mood and personality will also be affected is advised. Since the victim feels inadequate and a burden towards their family they can go into depression and experience mood swings. They usually become bound to a wheelchair or bedridden. The statistics show 1 in every 30,000 people have the disease, however that figure does not include the people who one day will develop the symptoms and are totally unaware of it.

At Nutrikon there is a Huntington’s case, Jim, who is very successful in battling the disease. Jim, even though he was diagnosed 10 years ago, has maintained cognitive abilities and has well adjusted balance and coordination. This was achieved without the use of medications through the guidance of Feline Kondula Butcher. Most HD sufferers live a confined life provided by their families to protect them from injuring or straining themselves. They take medications that are very much similar to ones given to Parkinson’s and Epileptic patients. Jim managed his HD with the support of his wife Monica, who forced him to exercise. Feline Butcher’s  detox programs and heavy metal chelation as well as the nutrient supplement program has helped Jim tremendously.

The information in this article is for educational purposes only and is not intended to be used to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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